而今天,想介紹另一本書,這本書的名字叫做GRIT,由Pennsylvania大學教授Angela Lee Duckworth著作。這本書可以互補之前介紹的 - Mindset。
如果你查找網上的劍橋英語詞典,你會看到“GRIT”定義為“儘管困難也要有勇氣和決心”。(http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/grit). 而且,在梅里亞姆·韋伯斯特詞典中,它被定義為“心靈或精神的堅定:在困難或危險面前不屈勇氣”。(http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/grit).
Angela Duckworth曾經在西點軍校和不同地方做了一個關於全國拼字比賽較量的研究。她想從這些比賽找出成功者的共同點,甚至可否一早便能辨認出一些會成功的人。她的結論是,那些智商、“長相”或“家族遺傳”那些都不能是成功的指標,毅力才是。簡單來說,是不斷嘗試和努力的人他們才會成功。成功人士從 “不認為失敗是一種永遠的狀態”,他們乃是“願意失敗,犯錯,並從頭再來”的人。
事實上,Duckworth教授認為, “growth mindset”(成長心態)和“grit”(毅力)是攜手並進的。
我們強烈推薦這本書給我們的朋友。 然而,如果時間緊迫,你可以看看她在TED的演講。 Duckworth教授在TED的演講有超過920萬的觀看次數,並提供許多不同語言的字幕。
最後,Duckworth教授提供了一個稱為GRIT量表的測試。 她用這個來預測一個人的GRIT因子。
或者,有些人可能想嘗試測試一下: http://angeladuckworth.com/grit-scale/
我們希望你會喜歡這個小分享。 週末愉快。
First of all, we want to thank so many of you for giving us feedback on our silly blog. And, while we have always been interested in startups and innovations in the technology space, one strong feedback from our friends have surprisingly been the book we have recommended last time -- Mindset.
In fact, most of the comments are that from the little or most they read about the book, that is the eureka moment --- the missing link to so many of our experiences and to our friends' experiences. Why we often see talented individuals not fulfilling their potential.
And, coincidentally, we had a lengthy talk with a very successful young executive lately. We were struck, despite of her age, how she clearly is a rising star in an otherwise very rigid and traditional technology company. She worked across the border both in Hong Kong and China, commuting weekly --- tough job. We complimented her of course of her talents. And, she just kept telling us, "well, I am not that smart, I just never give up and I work very hard."
You know, this seems obvious. But, really, we have seen again and again companies and individuals who succeed, we dare to say, because they persevere.
And, today, we thought we would introduce another book on this subject that we have thoroughly enjoyed. We feel that this is a complementary version of the book, Mindset.
The name of the book is called GRIT, and is written by a University of Pennsylvania Professor called Angela Lee Duckworth.
If you look up the on line Cambridge English Dictionary, you will see "grit" as defined as, "courage and determination despite difficulty" . (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/grit). And, it is defined as "firmness of mind or spirit: unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger” in the Merriam Webster dictionary. (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/grit).
The author, Angela Duckworth, has done studies at West Point Academy, National Spelling Bee Contest, and various places. She has concluded that the easiest to spot indicator of people who would be successful is NOT IQ, NOT "looks", and NOT "family pedigree". Rather it is the "grit" factor. Simply, people who have the stamina to keep trying and trying, and not giving up. The successful people are the ones who "don't think that failure is a permanent condition", and those who are "willing to fail, to be wrong and to start all over again".
In fact, she thinks that Growth Mindset and Grit go hand in hand. It is probably just another way of looking at similar trait.
We highly recommend this book to our friends. And, in case, time is pressing, you can watch the talk she gave on TED. The TED talk has more than 9.2 million views and provides subtitles in many different languages.
TED video link:
And, if you like the full version, of course, you can go look for the book itself.
Lastly, Professor Duckworth has provided a test called the GRIT Scale. She has used that to predict a person's GRIT factor.
Perhaps, some of you may want to try it: http://angeladuckworth.com/grit-scale/
It is only 10 simple questions.
You will be asked questions essentially seeing how you deal with distraction, goals, and setbacks.
We hope you will enjoy this little sharing. Have a good weekend.