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A Blog on Technology and Business
for Our Curious Mind
"E pur si muove"
"And, yet it moves" --- Galileo 1633
Jack Lau
Jack Lau
2024年2月2日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
My Silly Thoughts on YouTube
Last week, I got a chance to give a talk to St. Joseph's College in Hong Kong. I know some may call me silly. But, I did spend a bit...
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Jack Lau
2024年1月14日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Multi-Mode A.I (Google Gemini).: Amazing, Must Try
First of all, happy new year, everyone. Towards the end of last year, Google launched a "wow" A.I. demo using their latest technology...
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Jack Lau
2023年9月5日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
Can A.I. be Used to Detect Text Generated by another A.I.?
By now, most of you have probably tried using artificial intelligence (A.I.) GPT to generate text, and have seen text generated by A.I.'s...
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Jack Lau
2023年3月14日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
Silicon Valley Bank failed: Use ChatGPT to help us do some comparable analysis
"A Person Looking at a Stock News and Plotting a Stock Chart in Deep Thought". The "art" work is generated by the OpenAI Dall-e program...
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Jack Lau
2023年2月24日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Training ChatGPT and Deploying on Discord using the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange as corpus
The power of ChatGPT is still being discussed feverishly in town. Our engineers today came up with a thought experiment. What if we...
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Jack Lau
2023年1月25日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
I Wrote an A.I. Program to Watch Youtube, Transcribe the Video and Create a Summary
Happy Year of the Rabbit, everyone. Over the past few months, one of the hottest news in technologies is the development of A.I. chatbot...
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Jack Lau
2022年12月18日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
Selling a Sand Clock to Help You "Poo" Better? --- Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship
Picture this. You are young and fresh out of college. You want to start a business. Unfortunately, all you know is to make an...
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Jack Lau
2022年8月8日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Build a simple App that shows a class profile -- again, for free, and with no coding
This is part of the course material we are using for Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship. We are using it to track different "personas"...
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Jack Lau
2022年8月7日讀畢需時 1 分鐘
A Way to Create a Bar Chart that shows Changes over Time for Free
Dear Friends, I will be starting a new course on something called Design Thinking soon. As I was preparing for it, I realize there are...
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Jack Lau
2022年1月13日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
NFT Demystified Part 2
If you go to the internet and type "NFT", you will get an explanation something like this: "NFTs are unique cryptographic tokens that...
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Jack Lau
2021年12月15日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
Demystifying NFT (Part 1 of a Multi-Parts Series): "Decentralization"
Over the last couple of months, a number of friends have asked "what is NFT really"? I thought I would write up a few articles, and...
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Jack Lau
2021年8月31日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Long Time No Talk and "GPT-3" Robot Writing
J. Lau, August 31st, 2021 Sorry readers. It has been quite a while since we last posted anything. The absence of updating the blog has...
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Jack Lau
2020年7月19日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Success = A Little Talent + A Lot of Luck. (from $6M to $16 Billion in 7 Years)
One of our heroes is Nobel Laureate, Daniel Kahneman. He once said, in his seminal book, "Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow", success is...
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Jack Lau
2020年3月30日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Long Time No Talk: Are you "Zoom"ing? or "Houseparty"ing?
Long time no talk, everyone. Who would have thought that in just a short period of time, most of us would be spending more time watching...
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Jack Lau
2019年6月3日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
Thoughts after COMPUTEX ARM Processor : Impact and Any Alternative
We just came back from the COMPUTEX show in Taipei last week. COMPUTEX is one of the best computer hardware shows. Other than...
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Jack Lau
2019年5月27日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
4th Industrial Revolution
Professor Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, published an interesting book called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In...
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Jack Lau
2019年5月20日讀畢需時 2 分鐘
Huawei-Google, Your Black and White Photo
Good morning, everyone. Hong Kong is turning sizzling hot. Good if you are a beach goers. But not so for many others. Hot News The hot...
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Jack Lau
2019年5月13日讀畢需時 3 分鐘
More Unicorns Going IPO -- Or Should we just train more PhDs?
Happy Buddha Birthday from Hong Kong. Yes, indeed, in Hong Kong, some call this the best of all worlds. Today is actually a day off....
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Jack Lau
2019年5月6日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
Random Thoughts This Week
What a week! Rather than going for a lengthy single subject this week, let's talk about a few things just recently happened, and gauge...
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Jack Lau
2019年4月28日讀畢需時 4 分鐘
Why we need multiple cameras on a smart phone and who makes them? And, Hong Kong has something to d
For some who have good memories, you may recall that when Nokia still reigned the mobile phone world, it was such a "wow" moment when...
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